
CEO of Tech Goes Home Discusses the Importance of Digital Literacy

CEO of Tech Goes Home Discusses the Importance of Digital Literacy

The First Literacy Spotlight on Innovation in Adult Basic Education, held at Bunker Hill Community College’s Charlestown campus, included presentations from the ten organizations that received First Literacy grants last year and featured keynote speaker Dan Noyes, CEO of Tech Goes Home.

First Literacy Raises Over $232,000 To Support Adult Literacy

First Literacy Raises Over $232,000 To Support Adult Literacy

On Thursday, March 30 twenty-one teams battled it out, spelling words that stumped even the savviest spellers. After four years of hosting the event virtually, the First Literacy Spelling Bee was once again held in person at the State Street Channel Center.

First Literacy of Boston seeks teams for annual spelling bee fundraiser

First Literacy of Boston seeks teams for annual spelling bee fundraiser

On February 10, the First Literacy Spelling Bee was featured in The Boston Globe. The Spelling Bee is First Literacy’s largest fundraiser, having raised over $3.6 million to support adult literacy programs that provide life-changing educational opportunities for adults in Massachusetts.

Tips And Tricks to Win a Spelling Bee

Tips And Tricks to Win a Spelling Bee

Get your pencils ready – it is time to gear up for First Literacy’s 33rd Annual Spelling Bee. The Spelling Bee is a fun way to test your spelling skills in a team atmosphere while supporting adult literacy! Spelling Bees date back to the 1920s, but spelling games are on the rise again. Between Words with Friends, the New York Times Wordle, and good old fashioned Scrabble, people of all ages are puzzling their way through English words.

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