First Literacy Grants

What Difference Does It Make?

What Difference Does It Make?

Is there anyone who doesn’t want to make a difference in the world … whether it be making a difference through their work, or in the lives of others? At First Literacy, we know that our work makes a difference. And those of you who support our work can know that you are making a difference, too.

Finding Inspiration with Faces and Facts

Finding Inspiration with Faces and Facts

In the nonprofit world, inspiration is essential. The size of the issues we address can be overwhelming, but the faces and facts can help us keep going during challenging times and can create a connection with those whose generosity is essential to our organizations.

Goal Setting For the ESOL Classroom

Goal Setting For the ESOL Classroom

Goal setting is a wonderful way for students to connect to their deeper personal and professional motivations. By uncovering and seeing progress towards defined goals, students are more likely to...

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