Celebrating A Year Of Success Amid Pandemic Challenge

On November 8th First Literacy was featured in The Boston Globe. The story features how a First Literacy Scholarship helped First Literacy scholar Ciro Valiente achieve his dream. The article also highlights the innovative way one First Literacy grant recipient is connecting with adult learners and changing lives despite the pandemic.

November 8, 2021 – Ciro Valiente arrived in the United States in 2014 from Venezuela, unable to read or write in English, adding to the challenge he felt trying to adapt in a new country. Today he’s an Emmy Award-winning producer at NBC Boston, helping to bring a world of news to Massachusetts viewers. And he says he couldn’t have learned to adapt to a new language and culture without the help of First Literacy, a Boston-based adult education program…

Read the full article written by Globe Correspondent Katie Redefer

November 19, 2021

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