First Literacy Scholar: Catheline

Catheline first literacy scholar 2022-2023

Catheline is from Haiti. In her home country she faced many challenges getting an education. Although she started school in 1968 she didn’t graduate from high school until 2007 because of economic difficulties that required her to stop and re-start many times. She eventually earned a Nursing Assistant’s diploma and a bachelor’s degree in business management. In Haiti, Catheline had extensive experience as a health and social project officer. Her responsibilities included working with mothers to vaccinate children, providing food and school supplies and organizing community meetings. When Catheline moved to the United States she took English classes and received job training so she could go back to college and study public health. Her goal is to become a project coordinator helping people protect their health while working with partners to provide other resources for improving conditions in the community. She is currently working as a Clinical Assistant at Boston Children’s Hospital. She is now an English student at Asian American Civic Association (AACA) in the Next Step Program Level 10. Catheline’s achievements have inspired others to return to school. Her focus on her studies, class participation and high marks have made her a role model for classmates, and a number of them have turned to her for help. Her strength, leadership, determination and positive outlook have also made her a shining example within her family.



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