First Literacy creates life-changing educational opportunities for adults throughout Massachusetts. Our program grants, professional development workshops, and scholarships support over 6,000 students and 200 teachers in 100 programs across Massachusetts each year.

The adult learners impacted by our work come from a wide variety of backgrounds and often face numerous hurdles, but they are united in their desire to improve their lives and those of their children through education. Our scholars have succeeded in Adult Basic Education (ABE) classes and are able to continue their education and achieve their dreams with the help of First Literacy’s scholarship awards.

Many adult learners would not be where they are without the hard work of the adult educators who provide crucial literacy and Adult Basic Education classes. First Literacy supports these teachers through free professional development workshops and grants for innovative new programs.

Together, we are supporting adult learners and championing educators in the field of Adult Basic Education with the goal of eradicating low literacy among adults across Massachusetts. Join us by donating, attending an event, or volunteering with First Literacy.




First Literacy’s Scholarship Initiative has changed more than 500 scholars’ lives and offered each of them choices, opportunities, and the tools to write their next chapters. Read their stories.




First Literacy is proud to support Massachusetts Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English language (ESOL) programs with funding for innovative program initiatives and curricula.




First Literacy professional development workshops provide teachers with free quality training in Adult Basic Education (ABE) best practices and evidence-based techniques to ensure that their adult learners receive the high-quality education they need to reach their full potential.



Adult literacy lifts each adult learner, their family, and their community, but is often overlooked in our national dialogue. First Literacy is on a mission to improve the lives of adult learners throughout Massachusetts.



First Literacy holds in-person and virtual events throughout the year to help increase awareness of the issues around adult literacy, and raise funds to support scholarships, professional development workshops, and grants.



Volunteers help First Literacy realize its vision to support the front line in adult education, ensuring that teachers, tutors, program administrators and students benefit, as well as Massachusetts communities.


When you donate to First Literacy you help create life-changing educational opportunities for adults throughout Massachusetts with low-literacy or limited English proficiency. Additionally, your donation helps support the front line in Adult Basic Education ensuring that adult learners receive the high-quality education they need to reach their full potential.

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