First Literacy Lending Library

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Sharing books with our community

Thanks to funding from the Nora Roberts Foundation, the First Literacy Lending Library has 150 titles for adult educators including teacher resources, student workbooks, high-interest/low-level readers, biographies, classics and picture books for emerging English readers from GLE 1-10.

How To Borrow Books

  • Staff from non-profit ABE/ESOL programs in Massachusetts can browse, borrow and return books before or after our in-person workshops, or by visiting First Literacy outside the workshop calendar.
  • We are not able to mail books, but they can be returned to us by mail if necessary.
  • Teachers can sign out up to 15 books for up to 6 weeks. 
  • Books can be renewed if no one else requests them.
  • Teachers are responsible for replacing lost books. 

For more information about the First Literacy Lending Library or to make an appointment to borrow or return books, contact Jillian Mastro at

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