Greetings all!
We hope that 2023 was a good year for you, and that 2024 is off to a great start.
As the First Literacy team looked back on the highlights of 2023 and what we were able to accomplish with your support, on behalf of adult learners across the state of Massachusetts, the image of a bridge kept coming up. First Literacy is the bridge that connects teachers to the resources they need, to help adult learners advance their literacy and/or to learn English. We connect Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programs with the financial and technical support they need to try new and innovative ideas. We are the bridge that adult learners rely on to help make their academic dreams come true, by providing scholarships for community college or vocational training.
Literacy is the gateway to success. People like you, who want to make a difference in their communities, who want to give back, and who understand the power that education has to transform lives, see First Literacy as a bridge to those most in need of support.
The stories that follow highlight some of those connections that have been made because of your support.
Thank you for joining us on this mission. We look forward to building more bridges in 2024!
Terry Witherell
Executive Director, First Literacy