Career Opportunities

Can you imagine not being able to read an email? Or not knowing how to sign your name legibly? That is the reality for 32,000,000 adults in the United States. In Massachusetts alone, 17% of adults are considered at risk for difficulties using and comprehending print material.

At First Literacy, we are committed to helping adults in Massachusetts improve their literacy skills so they can succeed in every aspect of their lives. This means helping adult learners continue their education and championing the incredible teachers that are on the front lines of the fight for adult literacy. Through our free professional development workshops for teachers, grants for innovative new programs, and scholarships for adults continuing to higher education or vocational training, we support the continuum of Adult Basic Education and help adult learners achieve their full potential.

First Literacy is an equal opportunity employer fully committed to providing opportunities that promote diversity, growth, and a professional work environment.

There are no open positions at this time.

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