The power of persistence is a driving force behind the success of First Literacy grants. These grants serve as a vital link, providing Adult Basic Education organizations with the financial resources to create innovative programs and curriculum initiatives for adult learners. This year, First Literacy funded four projects*. By offering financial support, these organizations were able to overcome challenges, think creatively, and persist in their efforts to help adult learners achieve their educational goals.

Spotlighting Friends of the Rafael Hernández School and Their ESL for Educational Settings Program


Students in the Primeras Maestras program celebrate graduation in June 2024.

Funding innovative programs and projects allows organizations like Friends of the Rafael Hernández School to provide quality education and support to underserved communities in Massachusetts. One of these initiatives is ESL for Educational Settings: Curriculum Design and Implementation, which is proudly supported by First Literacy.

The project is a cornerstone of the Primeras Maestras Program, which trains low-income Spanish-speaking parents from the Hernández School and other Boston Public Schools to become dual language educators. The curriculum, which focuses on classroom management, social-emotional learning, literacy instruction, and restorative practices, also addresses specific language needs related to certification tests for career advancement.

With funding from First Literacy, the program yielded significant results. All students showed notable improvement in their ESL proficiency, and two participants successfully passed the ParaPro test, a vital step toward licensure as paraprofessionals. Beyond exams, participants demonstrated growth by completing lesson plans, technology projects, and biographies—critical elements in their journey to becoming dual language educators.

“Our program was born out of necessity during COVID,” said Johanna Littlewood, Executive Director of Friends of the Rafael Hernández School. Parents stepped up to support their community during staffing shortages. With First Literacy’s early support, the Primeras Maestras program has evolved into a structured and impactful initiative.

“First Literacy believed in us before we had results—they funded the vision.”

The program’s curriculum now provides participants with classroom experience, targeted English and math instruction, and free college courses through a growing partnership with Urban College of Boston. These opportunities not only enhance participants’ understanding of child development but also empower them as educators.

The achievements of the Primeras Maestras program extend beyond the classroom. Participants have become role models, supporting young learners and mastering skills like managing diverse classroom environments and creating lesson plans. One standout participant, Jeanette, applied her training by successfully teaching long division to her students—a testament to the program’s real-world impact.

With two years of funding from First Literacy and recent support from the City of Boston, Friends of the Rafael Hernández School continues to expand the program’s reach and refine its curriculum, ensuring its profound impact on adult learners and the young students they teach. Looking ahead, Friends of the Rafael Hernández School is committed to building on these successes, empowering participants, and strengthening the educational foundation within the community.

*To explore the 2023–2024 grant recipients, please scroll to the bottom of the Grant Funded Projects page.

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