First Literacy thanks the individuals, corporations, and foundations whose generosity sustains us. The following list recognizes those donors who made gifts between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

*Notes 2024 Spelling Bee Sponsors
^Notes monthly donors
~Notes Foundations


$50,000 and more

The Manton Foundation~

$25,000 to $49,999

Mr. Jeffrey Beale
BNY Mellon*
Morgan Stanley*
State Street Corporation*
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust

$10,000 to $24,999

Franklin Templeton*
Hamilton Company Charitable Foundation~
John H. and H. Naomi Tomfohrde Foundation~
J.P. Morgan*
New England Patriots Foundation~
Newmark Knight Frank*
Robert D. and Rosemary W. Putnam
SS&C Financial Services International Limited*
Sum of Anonymous Gifts

$5,000 to $9,999

Albert O. Wilson Foundation~
Martha Bates and Michael Mazzaschi
Brookline Bank*
Ms. Susan Bush
Equiniti Trust Company, LLC*
Fahey Family Charitable Fund
John Hancock*
MFS Investment Management*
Duncan and Elizabeth Richardson

$2,500 to $4,999

American Moving and Installation*
Steve and Sarah Curry
Lawrence and Gail Fahey
Dr. J. Ryan Gunsalus
Mr. Nilan Jayasinghe
Ms. Olga Kasparova^
Elizabeth and Walter Kenyon
Mr. Jonathan Lavine*
Manulife Investment Management*
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP*
Seyfarth Shaw LLP*
Ms. Barbara Smith
The Richard D. Donchian Foundation~
UBS Financial Service Inc.*
Visnick & Caufield Associates, Inc.*
Mr. Michael Woodall*

$1,000 to $2,499

Cynthia Amadon and Peter Schliemann
Baker Root Family Foundation Inc.~
Timothy and Shirley I. Blancke
Cabot Corporation*
Arthur D. Clarke and Susan P. Sloan
Cummings Foundation~
Ms. Mallory Digges
Mr. Ken Dornstein
Julie and Andy Doyle
Michael A. Duca and Jacqueline D. Blombach
Ernst & Young*
Wayne and Christine Ferrari
David R. and Anne E. Gergen
Paul and Kitty Gerry
Mrs. Celia Gilbert
Ms. Corey Groves
Mr. and Mrs. Guzikowski
Geoffrey T. Johnson and Barbara A. Garner
Ms. Jenna Kline
Mr. Brian Lenhardt
Mr. Matthew Littlefield
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Christine and Bill McAvoy
Morrow Sodali Fund Solutions*
Mr. Ryan Murphy
Mr. Matthew Nicholls
James W. and Judy A. Nolan
Ms. Annalisa O’Neill
Open Eye Molecular Science*
Nils and Yvonne Sandell
David R. and Ann M. St. Germain
Mr. Steven Stanton
Benjamin and Katherine Taylor
Ryan and Christine Tosi
Mr. Tim Vigue
Mrs. Emily Wade
Ms. Wendy Winn

$500 to $999

Karime Abdel-Hay
Laird and Sara M. Bloom
Rudy Bozas
Melissa Burch^
Ms. Jonatha Ceely
Art Chaves
Mr. Robert Chesley
Mr. Edward Corbosiero
Sean and Melissa Curry
Ms. Deborah Davis
C. L. and Julia M. Fair
Margaret and Dozier Gardner
Roger and Cindy Goldstein
Stephen G. and Ellen G. Hoffman
Mr. John Howell
Mark L. and Susan P. Irvings
C. Bruce and Holly L. Johnstone
Ms. Katherine Johnson
Mr. Eric Kayne
Ms. Julia Krapf
Mr. Thomas Lehrer
Jeffrey K. and Patricia M. Lines
Ms. Amanda MacKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Amie and Stephen McKenna
Kimberly and John O’Loughlin
Ms. Julie Paris
Robert Half International Inc.
Mr. Hal Tepfer
Mr. Joel Tillinghast
Laura Velez^
Jean Walsh and Graham Davies
Mr. Adam Weinstein
Ms. Christopher Wickles
Ms. Terry Witherell^

$250 to $499

Joan and Ames Abbot
Ms. Kristyn Acar
Akamai Technologies, Inc.
Robert Allen and Shirley Hui
Mr. Bruce Allensworth
Baupost Group
Mr. Alan Benenfeld
Lindsay Bishop
Mike Boutin^
Carol and Stephen Brayman
Anne and Michael Cecere
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Ms. Ann Chiacchieri
Stephen Clarke
Ms. Ann Coles
Mr. Mark Conway
John Cotter and Meaghan E. Barrett
Ms. Norma Culviner
Wolfgang and Eileen Fitz
Kris and Jack Gaziano
Frank F. Herron and Sandra A. Urie
Eugene M. and Mary L. Hornsby
Georgia M. and Bruce E. Johnson
Ms. Lori Brannigan Kelly
Mr. William Shaw McDermott
Mayur Mehta
Ms. Ann Noble-Kiley
Andrew Onslow
Ms. Shalini O’Suilleabhain
PayPal Giving Fund
Karla Pingeton
Ms. Mina Reddy
Ms. Jacqueline Ridout
Shawn Rogan
Roberta Rubin and Donald Abrams
Paul R and Theresa A Simeone
Ms. Nancy Soulette
Sarah Sweeney^
Tucker Taft and Phyllis Yale
Mr. J. Edward Varallo
Ms. Paula Virtue^
Mr. Christopher Walsh
Mr. Peter Warren
Ms. Claire Wilcox
Ms. Melissa Wobbe

All Other gifts

Ms. Nicole Albert
Josep Alba
AmazonSmile Foundation
Mr. William Anzenberger
Mr. Mark Aronson
Mrs. Kelli Armstrong
Nubay Admin
Ms. Sandy Bailey
Ms. Sheila Barnes
P. C. Navin and Suzin M. Bartley^
Janet Costa Bates
Ms. Patricia Berger
Jacquie Bertrand
Jon Benson and Pamela W. Lynn
Lorrey J. Bianchi and Kathleen M. Casey-Bianchi
Mr. Mike Biafore
Dorothea Black and Stephen R. Logowitz
Mr. Maxwell Black
Mr. Michael Borawski
Myles A. Brown and Judy E. Garber
Janice and Peter Burke
David Byer
Ms. Liz Cabot
Ann Callanan
Ms. Elizabeth Caney
Jeff Caron
Ellen Caron
Ms. Susan Case
Robert B. and Marcia G. Chaffee
Holly Charon
Wilfrix Cherazard^
Ms. Amy Cohen
Drew Colby
Olivia Coniglio
Aimee Cooper
Mr. Aaron Cooper
Peter and Patricia G. Cooper
Florence and Eleanor Coslow
Malcolm F. and Mary G. Crawford
Ms. Robin Crespo^
Mr. Michael Creta
Ms. Liz D’Allessandro
Davis and Andrea Dassori
Gabriel Da Silva
John P. and Ann C. D’Auria
Joan Dawson
Ms. Amina Derbali
Lily Donchik
Richard S. and Julie A. Doring
Richard G. and Lenna Dower
Mr. Christian Draz
Erika Driscoll
Julie Duncan
David Eberly
Ms. Adriana Echeverria
Tom Elliott
Caroline Enright
Artie and Tricia Fair
Mr. John Farley
Kate Farley
Carrie W. Farmer
Mr. Miles Ferguson
Carmen M. Fields and Lorenz Finison, PhD
Ms. Susan Fish
Ms. Kathleen Fitzgerald
Mr. Jacques Fleury-Author
Ms. Rachel Freed
Ellen Friedman
The Flipper Fund
Mr. Steve Gallant
Ms. Judy Gallagher
William L. Gardner and Sari J. Rotter
Andy and William Gaus
Marie Robinson Geary
Mr. Andrew Glass
Ms. Tricia Glass
H Maxine Goetschius
Ms. Elise Goldberg
Ms. Joan Gordon
Mr. Michael Green
Mary Griffin
Alison Griffith
Jess Grover
Max Grundy
David and Margaret Gullette
Kevin Hanson
Clare Hayes
Ms. Marcie Hershman
Ms. Ellen Hertzmark
Ms. Judith Hikes
Nicholas S. Hodge and Maya Ruettger-Cruciana
Abigail Hoguet
Ms. Jean Holmblad
Bradley and Jane Honoroff
John O. Horst and Barbara L. Wallace
Ms. Emily Hughey
Ms. Annemarie Inman
Ms. Eileen Inman
Maxwell Johnston
Mr. Robert Johnston
Michael Kan and Mithra Merryman
Charlie and Kevin Kelley
Ms. Martin Kelly
Sonia Junia Albino Kierstead
Mr. Jim Kirchner
Julie Kitayama
Mr. Jordan Knight
Mr. Edgar Knudson
Mr. Laurence Koff
Robert Kordenbrock
Paul and Skye Kramer
Elliott and Gail Laffer
Thomas Landy
Ms. Sally Langan
Brianna Lavery
A. Lawrence and Ruth C. Kolbe
Jason Lee
Ms. Ruthe L’Esperance
Ms. Amy Letteney
Connor Leverett
Ms. Ellen Lipsey
Mr. John Lisker
Taylor Listau
Forbes Little^
Ms. Margot Livesey
Aline Lopes
Simon and Yamileth Lopez
Jean Francois and Joan Chafet Louis
Aimee Lubas
Ms. Alexandra Lum
Mr. Lou Maiuri
Ms. Laura Markley
Mrs. Jane Marshall
Ms. Jillian Mastro
James Mattera Mr. Keith McCarthy
Matt and Collin McDonald
Ms. Audrey McQuade
Ms. Dina Meagher
Ms. Carrie Megan
Mr. Bob Mendelsohn
Mannatt Menon
Georgia Meyer
Kim Minmaugh
Ms. Natalya Minoff
Ivor P. and Barbara E. M. Morgan
Maria Msumba
Mr. Michael Murphy
Ms. Susan Mygatt
Shanil Lantigua
Tara Nickerson-Lopes
Mr. Jim Nolan
Kaitlyn Nolan
Anna-Lisa Norman
Ms. Kelli O’Brien
Anne Odera
Mr. James O’Hare
Stephen L. and Marylee Palmer
Jane P. Papa
Ashley Parry
Annie Pascucci
Daniella Pascucci
Ms. Elisabeth Peterson
John F. Hodgman and Adele W. Pike
Jessie Pilewski
Carol and Mark Pomfret
Mr. Harold Pratt
T. Rowe Price
Ms. Donela Qirjazi
Richard and Mary F. Rafferty
Abby Ramsay
Ms. Jennie Rathbun
Ms. Amelie Ratliff
Ms. Diane Raysan
Sheila Richardson
Ms. Linda Riley
Janet and Jeff Ringuest
Zoe Rivera
Patrice Roberts
Elizabeth and Paul Robichaud
Matthew Rogers
Ms. Michelle Rohnke
Ms. Karen Rojas
Ms. Sally Rooney
Jim Rose
David Rosen
Sharryn E. Ross and Jon G. Truslow
Kenneth R. and Cynthia W. Rossano
Arlene D. and Eugene S. Rubin
Elena Ruiz
John Saleda
Lisa Salem
Robert M. Salino and Eileen Storz-Salino
Xilian Sansoucy
Mr. Cameron Scales
Ms. Helen Schlichte
Eric Schmid
Sheila Schmuttenmaer
Claudia and Anthony Schwartz
Philip S. and Susan Schwarz
Robert W. Seifert and Jennifer B. Goren
Sharon Sevransky
Mr. Peter Shanley
Mr. Robert Shapiro
Meaghan Shea
Stephen Shea
Ms. Dellicia Shorter
Stanley J. and Elsa H. Sidel
Mr. Robert Silberman
Marie Cedrone Simonelli
Mr. Benjamin Skillin
Bennett Simon and Roberta Apfel
Ms. Julie Slack
Arthur M. and Linda Smith
Lauren Smith
Stephen P. and Robin A. Smith
John and Sandy Soler
Robert W. Sparkes and Danielle J. Belanger
David Sperandio
Elizabeth and Gary Spiess
Hayley Stafan
Donald R. and Jeanne Stanton
Edward Stanton
Lisa Stapleton
Alan R. States and Linda K. Sanders
Seanna Sullivan
Caroline Sumner
Charlie Sumner
William Sumner
Ms. Gloria Tatarian
Annemarie Thomas
Neil and Carol Todreas
Hoaidu Tran
TSK Consulting LLC
Dr. Laurie Tunick
Jennifer Valdez
Mr. Christopher Valente
Mr. Ciro Valiente
William G. and Diana J. Van Aken
Mr. Jeffrey Varitimos
Ms. Rosamond Vaule
Ms. Susan Waldman
Ms. Karen Walsh
Teresa Weaver
Steven M. and Enid Wetzner
John T. and Jennifer N. Wilson
Shakia Wilson
Katherine Winter
Donald E. and Erin E. Witherell
Megan Wolf
Theodore M. and Jo Ann Wong
Alice Woods
Mr. Steven Wright
Michael and Lisa Zeytoonian

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