In adult education, success is measured not only by the acquisition of literacy skills but also by the growth in learners’ self-confidence. Educators play a pivotal role in shaping both.
Adult Literacy
“Fallen through the cracks”: How Boston is helping adult literacy learners reach their goals
Anny Sanchez dreams of being a teacher one day. Three years ago, Sanchez immigrated to Massachusetts, and while living here, has balanced learning English and pursuing a college degree.
The Big Picture: Adult Literacy Insights from the ProLiteracy Conference
Last month, our Program Director and I attended the ProLiteracy Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. We joined over 800 educators from across the country who work in adult literacy, through various Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English Language Learning (ELL) programs.
First Literacy Awards Over $40,000 in Grants to Seven Organizations
This past June, First Literacy announced their 2024-2025 grant recipients. Seven organizations were awarded grants to carry out innovative initiatives that will impact adult learners across Massachusetts. In total, $40,661 in grant funds were distributed to nonprofits with new and innovative Adult Basic Education projects.
Kraft Family, Patriots Foundation and Gillette Present Ciro Valiente, First Literacy Board Member, With $10,000 Donation for First Literacy
On Thursday, June 6, the Kraft Family and New England Patriots Foundation celebrated the 2024 Myra Kraft Community MVP Award Winners. They recognized 26 volunteers for their contributions to the New England community at an awards ceremony at Gillette Stadium. Ciro Valiente, First Literacy Board Member, was recognized as one of the honorees and was presented with a $10,000 donation for First Literacy.
Why First Literacy Grant Funding is Small but Mighty!
Established in 1988 as a grant-making organization, First Literacy has always focused on improving Adult Basic Education in the community. Since First Literacy was created, grant funding initiatives have grown immensely. In 2023, our innovative grant-funded initiatives impacted over 1,200 adult learners throughout Massachusetts.