The topic of AI has grown immensely in the past few years. In a world increasingly driven by technological advancements, AI has become not only a trending topic, but a look into the future.

The topic of AI has grown immensely in the past few years. In a world increasingly driven by technological advancements, AI has become not only a trending topic, but a look into the future.
In 2023 we saw a shift from virtual to in person and continued advances in technology that impacted both adult learners and educators. Hybrid classrooms are more common, and the rapid acceleration of AI has created both opportunities and challenges in the field of education.
Adult Basic Education provides adult learners an opportunity to learn and gain important credentials that make it possible to realize a living wage and achieve career goals. Given the diversity in student backgrounds a one size fits all approach generally is not appropriate in the ABE field.
As an Adult Basic Education (ABE) teacher in Massachusetts, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest teaching techniques, technologies, and best practices in the field. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of professional development for ABE teachers and how to find the right opportunities for you.
With summer quickly approaching, Adult Basic Education teachers may feel a bit of unease. Summer often means a break in the world of education – which is well-deserved and often much-needed – but it can also mean a pause in educational growth for students. One of the biggest struggles teachers face is how to keep the learning going during summer break. We asked a panel of experts how they keep adult learners engaged over the summer. Here is what they said …
Adult Basic Education programs are welcoming immigrants, refugees and asylees from war zones and disaster-stricken regions across the globe. These adult learners are most at risk for emotional stress disorders, but because they come from different cultures and levels of stigma around mental health, they may be hard to identify, connect with, and help.
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