Family Literacy

Why a Mother’s Literacy Matters

Why a Mother’s Literacy Matters

At First Literacy, our mission is to help adult learners improve their literacy skills. Many of those adults are mothers; and so the help we provide to these adults impacts the next generation, as well. Of course, it is essential that we educate the next generation. But did you know that “a mother’s reading skill is the greatest determinant of her children’s future academic success”?

Celebrating Family Literacy Month

Celebrating Family Literacy Month

National Family Literacy Month is a great time for families to learn and read together; and although our work at First Literacy focuses on adults, our work impacts the entire family. According to National Institutes of Health, the biggest determinant of a child’s literacy level is their mother’s.

What Difference Does It Make?

What Difference Does It Make?

Is there anyone who doesn’t want to make a difference in the world … whether it be making a difference through their work, or in the lives of others? At First Literacy, we know that our work makes a difference. And those of you who support our work can know that you are making a difference, too.

Thankful for Literacy and Generosity

Thankful for Literacy and Generosity

As the year comes to a close, we tend to spend a lot of time thinking about what we’re grateful for – but how often do we consider how grateful we are for our ability to read and write?

What Does Literacy Mean to You?

What Does Literacy Mean to You?

Literacy is most commonly defined as the ability to read and write. While this skill may seem straightforward, literacy is a rather complex skill that deserves a more complete explanation.

Not a Branch, But the Root

Not a Branch, But the Root

Adult Basic Education (ABE) teachers are accustomed to feeling like they work in a forgotten branch of education. For many, education is something that happens when you’re young. Say the word...

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