
Common Obstacles Adult Learners Face Over the Summer and How to Overcome Them

Common Obstacles Adult Learners Face Over the Summer and How to Overcome Them

Summer in New England is a treat. The warmer weather often brings beach days, BBQs, and a break from the daily grind. For adult learners, summer may also mean a break from classes, which can be a good reset; but it can also create challenges and obstacles in the fall when it is time to return to the classroom.

Professional Development: Why It’s Important for Adult Basic Education Teachers

Professional Development: Why It’s Important for Adult Basic Education Teachers

As an Adult Basic Education (ABE) teacher in Massachusetts, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest teaching techniques, technologies, and best practices in the field. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of professional development for ABE teachers and how to find the right opportunities for you.

Time To Turn the Tassel! First Literacy Scholars Graduate from Mount Wachusett Community College

Time To Turn the Tassel! First Literacy Scholars Graduate from Mount Wachusett Community College

Earning a college degree is no easy feat. There are often late nights cramming for an exam, weekends spent writing papers and for many First Literacy scholars there is the added stress of juggling work, family, and the challenges that come along with being an English language learner. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and unwavering determination and perseverance is essential to crossing the finish line.

How To Keep Adult Learners Engaged Over the Summer

How To Keep Adult Learners Engaged Over the Summer

With summer quickly approaching, Adult Basic Education teachers may feel a bit of unease. Summer often means a break in the world of education – which is well-deserved and often much-needed – but it can also mean a pause in educational growth for students. One of the biggest struggles teachers face is how to keep the learning going during summer break. We asked a panel of experts how they keep adult learners engaged over the summer. Here is what they said …

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