
What Difference Does It Make?

What Difference Does It Make?

Is there anyone who doesn’t want to make a difference in the world … whether it be making a difference through their work, or in the lives of others? At First Literacy, we know that our work makes a difference. And those of you who support our work can know that you are making a difference, too.

Thankful for Literacy and Generosity

Thankful for Literacy and Generosity

As the year comes to a close, we tend to spend a lot of time thinking about what we’re grateful for – but how often do we consider how grateful we are for our ability to read and write?

Adventure in the ESOL Classroom: What might that look like?

Adventure in the ESOL Classroom: What might that look like?

Picture this … a group of English language learners arrive for their first class, some more guarded than others about COVID and learning another language. Yet all understand that the consequences of not gaining English proficiency presents a considerable and probably more significant longer-term risk.

Teaching Adult Students with Dyslexia: The Why, Who, and How

Teaching Adult Students with Dyslexia: The Why, Who, and How

In the United States alone there are 41 million adults with dyslexia. That’s a whopping 20% of the adult population. The real kicker here is that only 2 million adults are aware of their dyslexia. Chances are high that you have an individual struggling with dyslexia in your class right now. If this concerns you, and it should, then read on.

Introduction to Adventure Learning

Introduction to Adventure Learning

Adventure is a way of doing; it is not just an activity in and of itself. If the word adventure conjures up images of activities like rock climbing, rafting and parachuting, pause for a moment and imagine instead the way in which an activity is performed. A lesson/activity becomes an adventure if an element of surprise exists, if activities compel one to do things they have never imagined possible.

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