
Spotlight On Innovation Highlights Importance of Workforce Development

Spotlight On Innovation Highlights Importance of Workforce Development

The First Literacy Spotlight on Innovation in Adult Basic Education, held at Bunker Hill Community College, included presentations from the four organizations that received grants last year and featured keynote speaker Trinh Nguyen, Chief of Worker Empowerment and Director of the Office of Workforce Development for the City of Boston.

First Literacy Awards Over $40,000 in Grants to Seven Organizations

First Literacy Awards Over $40,000 in Grants to Seven Organizations

This past June, First Literacy announced their 2024-2025 grant recipients. Seven organizations were awarded grants to carry out innovative initiatives that will impact adult learners across Massachusetts. In total, $40,661 in grant funds were distributed to nonprofits with new and innovative Adult Basic Education projects.

Kraft Family, Patriots Foundation and Gillette Present Ciro Valiente, First Literacy Board Member, With $10,000 Donation for First Literacy

Kraft Family, Patriots Foundation and Gillette Present Ciro Valiente, First Literacy Board Member, With $10,000 Donation for First Literacy

On Thursday, June 6, the Kraft Family and New England Patriots Foundation celebrated the 2024 Myra Kraft Community MVP Award Winners. They recognized 26 volunteers for their contributions to the New England community at an awards ceremony at Gillette Stadium. Ciro Valiente, First Literacy Board Member, was recognized as one of the honorees and was presented with a $10,000 donation for First Literacy.

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