Using Games to Promote Literacy

Written by Julie Slack, First Literacy Marketing & Communications Manager


using-games-to-promote-literacy-first-literacy-blogGames have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. A popular past time for all ages, games promote problem solving, enhance memory, increase motivation and are a form of social interaction. It’s no surprise that games are used widely in the field of education as a fun way to learn a new skill or subject.

When it comes to reading, writing, and language learning, games are an excellent way to reinforce specific learning concepts like letter recognition, language acquisition, phonics, reading comprehension, and storytelling mechanics.

Classic games such as Scrabble, Bananagrams, and Boggle are some of our favorite games that boost literacy and language learning.

  • Scrabble is a challenging word-building game where players compete in building words with letter tiles on a board.
  • Bananagrams is a simple but addictive game where players aim to use all of their letters to build a word grid in a race to the finish.
  • Boggle is a word search game where players try to create as many words as possible from a few jumbled-up letters.

Games In the Classroom

Many presenters in our professional development workshops also use games as recommended teaching tools to engage adult learners in the classroom.

Supporting Adult Literacy with Fun and Games

While games are often thought of as child’s play, here at First Literacy we believe that games can be just as much fun for adults too. Every year First Literacy hosts a spelling bee to shine a light on adults struggling with low literacy.

The First Literacy Spelling Bee is one of the oldest adult spelling bees in the nation. This year will be our 32nd year hosting the event. During the Bee teams of 3 compete and test their spelling skills with words like lacinia, terpsichorean, misoneism, uhlan, and mordacious. All proceeds from the event support our mission: to fund innovation in adult literacy.

If you want to test your spelling skills, support adult literacy, and watch the teams compete, we invite you to host your own game night and tune in to watch the First Literacy Spelling Bee on April 7 at 6PM. The participant that spells the most words correctly using the First Literacy spelling app will win a prize!

Learning to read and write are essential skills that impact so many aspects of an individual’s life. Literacy is vital; so why not make it fun.

What’s your favorite literacy boosting game?

March 24, 2022

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